Very nice!!!![]()
Does it have the cigar lighter?
Very nice!!!![]()
Does it have the cigar lighter?
It was actually a cigar holder, wasn't it? And if it's out of view, sure! It has it!
Nice details, but I cannot help myself. I do not feel the roundness form the body...and the rivets or the dirt lines under seems a bit too much for effect of crappy pannels . but its only my impression.
Peter Kassak
I see what you've done with the panel lines and understand the method behind it, makes perfect sense. But as pkassak says it doesn't look quite right, I'd persevere with this but try playing around with it a little.
Looks a lot better at full size and I love the texture on the rudder, but the fuselage does lack some depth.
Great what if scheme, are you planning more, North Africa for example?
Harriers...uppy downy things.
also one minor point, shouldn't the cross under the wing be less visible due to the angle and shades etc ? It has the same intensity as fuselage marking. I personally give it on 70% of full intensity...
Peter Kassak
About the panel lines and rivet lines; this is always a problem. To adjust them to look good on light colors and dark colors is a complicated balancing act.
After reading the comments so far, that is probably the problem here. I think the surface detail looks great on the areas with the upper camouflage and mottling but that maybe it stands out a little more on the yellow and 76.
Maybe all you need is some careful adjustments with this issue. I made numerous adjustments with the Zero using many complicated an devious methods
So far, the Albatros isn't so much trouble but I did need a few tricks to make these sort of adjustments.
That's fair. As you can see here in the "build thread" I made for it, I kept going back and forth between about 70% and 50% opacity on the shading. Apparently I ended at closer to 55%, which I don't think was enough.
Adolf Galland's He 100D-2/N Build Thread
Take a look at the updated image in this post.
As for the dirt, I don't think it's really all that much compared to the shots of Galland's 109 that I looked at, but the scaling of it from 100% results in some things being out of proportion once scaled down.
Yeah, I wanted to give the impression that the fabric covered rudder was really fabric. Thanks for noticing it!
I plan on doing some North African ones eventually.
Hmm, I think I understand. I don't think it needs to be too much, though. See these photos.
I've given it about 20% gray overlay. See the updated image in this post.
I've updated it some based on the comments. What do you think? Too much shading this time? Did I pull the weathering back too much and throw the baby out with the bath water?
I hope this looks a bit better. Thanks for the advice!
I think its betternice work
Peter Kassak