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  1. #11

    Re: Heinkel He 100 What If

    Looking at the photo it's odd the way the fuselage flattens towards the tail, still not 100% sure about the current look of the nose but otherwise much better
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Heinkel He 100 What If

    I like it very much even though I don't know much about that aircraft.

    Judging by the amount of nitpicking, I'd say that I'm not the only one who likes it. I've noticed that often more criticism=more appreciation.

    Keep it up! A North African or winter camo scheme would look nice indeed.
  3. #13

    Re: Heinkel He 100 What If

    I particularly like the rivet work on the lower rear fuselage. Looks very nice!
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  4. #14

    Re: Heinkel He 100 What If

    Thanks guys! My next one may well be real-world, but I'll do some more in desert and winter schemes later.


  5. #15

    Re: Heinkel He 100 What If

    Romanian? Spanish? Think He 112...
    Finnish would be cool too.
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  6. #16

    Re: Heinkel He 100 What If

    How about another one? This one's a little closer to reality. The exhaust on this one basically matches the actual He 100D-1s (unlike the last). Click on it for 100%.


  7. #17

    Re: Heinkel He 100 What If

    Looking really good, Logan!

    There are however some serious anti-aliasing problems on your profile. In particular around the cockpit, rudder and lower fuselage.

    Also you might want to consider putting a big fat copyright mark on your full-size image or you'll find it reproduced in Russian and Chinese magazines and books in no-time
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  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Mannheim, Germany

    Re: Heinkel He 100 What If

    Quote Originally Posted by Logan Hartke View Post
    How about another one? This one's a little closer to reality. The exhaust on this one basically matches the actual He 100D-1s (unlike the last). Click on it for 100%.


    Hi Logan,

    a very nice profile you've drawn ...

    I find that the light has failed under the wing too bright.
    Here, about the same lighting conditions as prevail under the fuselage.
    I see here, just below the wing, the most intense shade ... and becoming lighter on the wing edge.

    The glossiness of the top of the rudder, I also think too massive.
    The rudder facilities look inflated.
    The light you have realized this more intense than on the engine cowling.

    Greetings from Heli

    flyingART for ever
  9. #19

    Re: Heinkel He 100 What If

    Thanks for the tips, everyone. I'll try to take those and work them into the next aircraft type I'll be doing. I just do these for fun, not for any publication, obviously, so they're good enough for my enjoyment for the time being. Anyway, I know some people were suggesting a few other operators, so I thought I'd post my latest one here for those that enjoy a little whimsy. The He 100 really isn't profiled often enough.

    "What If" text to accompany the profile:

    Spain would serve as the baptism of fire for the He 100, but the Bf 109 would take the lion's share of the Condor Legion's kills in the conflict. By the time the He 100 was introduced, the majority of Republican aircraft had been swept from the sky by the German experten. Only enough He 100s were delivered to equip the 2. Staffel of J/88 before war's end. It was assigned the aircraft code "8", previously used by the Condor Legion's He 112s, the Nationalist Air Force having used the code of "5" for its He 112s. This was likely an attempt to confuse Western sources regarding the He 100's true nature, some aircraft still being referred to as He 112Us in the press.

    Flown by Leutnant Werner Ursinus of 2.J/88, this He 100D-1 coded 8●14 had the name "Bärchen" painted in white below the cockpit. "Ursinus" means "bear" in Latin and the German for "Teddy Bear" is "Bärchen". Ursinus did not claim any victories with 2.J/88 in Spain but later went on to serve with JG 53 in France, the Battle of Britain and Russia. Ursinus led 3./JG 53 until the end of August 1941 when he took over the Ergänzungsstaffel of JG 53. He survived the war as an instructor.


  10. #20

    Re: Heinkel He 100 What If

    That's looking extremely cool! Well done!
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