Maybe that's why it wasn't produced.. Good catch, I'll take care of that in my next one.
Good evening Logan,
In your profiles ...
is the vertical tail rudder blocked by the elevator!
It can not move to the left or right side.
Or the shadow of the elevator is not drawn properly.
See topic Yak-3 ...
Bye for now
flyingART for ever
Maybe that's why it wasn't produced.. Good catch, I'll take care of that in my next one.
Alright, I addressed the elevator with my most recent profile. It's also got a Trop filter on the wing intake.
Looks wicked! Good catch on the elevator.
How about one of those Barbarossa turtle schemes next?
(colourised photo, but quite convincing)
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Or how about a Marseille bird?
Would he have survived bailing out of this one, you'd wonder?
Very cool!
Please see Facebook for my latest work:
or visit my aviation art gallery and web store:
That's tough to say. He burned the candle at both ends, though, so it's likely he wouldn't have survived the war either way. I think that a lot of British pilots came home at the end of the war because he died like he did.
I love bringing attention to lesser-known designs and making them seem "real" by painting them up as if they were. That having been said, I don't think I'm as naive as I once was, believing that the merits of many of these designs meant the difference between losing and winning the war. Would Britain have won the war without the Spitfire? Yes. Would the US have won without the Mustang? Yes. Would Germany have still lost if they'd had the He 100? Yes.
For that reason, when I'm doing most what if profiles, I stick to real schemes and real scenarios. I don't generally give Galland or Marseille another 30 kills than they really had just because the He 100 was a better performer than the Bf 109. That having been said, I sometimes alter the description slightly if the aircraft would have made a difference in that engagement. That's my prerogative as a counter-factual history artist.
I'm also known to alter real-world events as much as I find necessary as an excuse to put an aircraft in a scheme it never wore. I recently did that with an Israeli Hind I did recently, and I'll be doing a lot of that with some P-61F profiles I'll be doing soon.
Nice work Logan! And fun too![]()
Here's another fun one. The scheme comes from a captured 109.