More, lots of stripes!
This might be Fritz Kempf's plane from Jasta 2...or Hermann Vallendor...or...
No one is too sure. Dan-San Abbott says it was Kempf's, that's good enough.
I'm not sure about the diamond strengthening plates. They're not striped with black and white and look darker than the white. My guess is natural plywood. But why not paint them??? Were they added later? The photo in the Windsock Datafile shows them a bit darker, but maybe mine are too light?
This one had a particularly pointed spinner. Funny mirror fairing too.
I know very little about this one except it was flown by Hans Böhning of Jasta 79b. I only have one fuzzy photo.
One thing is pretty sure, it didn't have an ace of spades playing card on it!!!
This is the color Ray Rimell chose when he built a kit of this plane.
THIRD ALBATROS! | Ray Rimell's WW1 World
That's probably as good as I'll get. I gather the blue is a guess as it's from a Bavarian unit. There are two shades of color besides the white, two colors of blue does seem as likely as any other.
I think mine needs to be much more dirty.