I talked over the spinner thing with Jim Miller. It looks like there were variables in how close the spinner was to the opening in the cowling. I'm pretty sure the spinners weren't inset, but just closer in some cases. The opening in the cowling is far from exact and you could end up with rubbing between the spinner and cowling edge if they were close.
My thinking is that it's a combination of closeness and perspective that makes the spinner seem inset.
Still. if it shows in the photo, I'll try and represent it
Another new one, Paul Strahle, D.V 4594/17, Jasta 18.
The photos of this plane aren't clear enough for me to see it, but he evidently had some sort of cowl or cover over the rear of his machine guns. I just fudged something that has the correct bulk that seemed like what a ground crew might have fabricated.
I think I might need that gun cover to be a little higher?