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Thread: Albatros D.III

  1. #21

    Re: Albatros D.III

    btw, sorry for my English
    No problem at all! Just ask any Englishman if Americans can speak English and they'll tell you no!
    does thick means "inacurate"?
    But in this case I'm not sure what you mean? What part of the thread are you asking about in reference to thick?
    Taking closer look at the plane...
    Ah, I think I should have! Your suggestions about the shadows has me rethinking what I've done. I usually am imagining the light source above, in front and just off the left side of the aircraft. In that case, no shadow of the propeller and the intake manifold. BUT*** I've got the wing shadow showing the center cut-out. It looks nice and seems to be very informative about the shape of the wing and fuselage. Only the cut-out wouldn't show if the light is on the left front.
    So, either the light source is front dead center...and I need to think of those fuselage shadows...or I need a new wing shadow.
    I really like that cut-out on there though. If I can convince myself that it all works I'll be happy but I think I'd be wrong. I'll give that a lot of thought though.
    So your suggestions, the prop would need to rotate anti-clockwise or the light would need to be toward the right side. As I have it now, no shadow.
    The wing struts, OH YES, I can't believe I didn't think of that! I did and still do have a shadow to the drag wire attached at the nose. But I've added a shadow to the forward strut. The others would be under the wing shadow.
    As far as the engine and plumbing, all radiator plumbing is on the right side of the plane. The intake manifold could cast a little shadow on the inner edges of the cowling. I'll look into that.
    The front of the undercarriage, or chassis, I think it would be overshadowed bu the shadow on the curvature. But maybe it does need something?
    Thanks for the suggestions. I might need to add or rework things.
    You'll notice in the two new versions I posted, I have the shadow for the front cabane strut.

    I HAD to do thins one, I've been dreaming about it!
    Name:  Alb_DIII-OAW_Wusthoff.jpg
Views: 502
Size:  62.1 KB
    Wusthoff, Jasta 4. I'm not sure about the tale and how it was painted. Was it white from the factory or was it overprinted along with the rest of the empennage?
    Something isn't right with my weights table. I had to fudge it to get the stripe to cover the right letters.

    And here it is stock, mostly for Elephant's beady little Albatros eyes!
    Name:  Alb_DIII-OAW.jpg
Views: 491
Size:  64.9 KB
    I see fabric tape(?) on the longitudinal seam between the top and side paneling in some photos. I presume it is also on the lower seam? I think it must have been used on most if not all OAW planes. It's hard to see on overpainted planes. My guess it was fabric tape that was glued on to the wood fuselage before the varnish went on.
    I think I've got all the OAW particulars in place except for strut stenciling which I'd love to see a good photo of!
    And color? Early is green/mauve?

  2. #22

    Re: Albatros D.III

    Perfect !
    Please , what is that Very thin black line on the fuselage, from the round panel to mid fuselage under the cockpit ? doesn't seems to be a wood panel line...

    Someone must have asked you before but, are your profiles published somewhere ?
  3. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: Albatros D.III

    Like Mangas I've always wondered why those struts don't appear to cast a shadow, and had just assumed that you had your reasons, or that you'd get around to it someday.

    That forward wood planking is just perfect.

    The Wusthoff, Jasta 4 is as stunning as it is intimidating.
  4. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    S.-Petersburg, Russia

    Re: Albatros D.III

    Quote Originally Posted by BLOWHARD View Post
    . The earlier drawings are also way too fat...
    Does the "fat" means inaccurate in this case?

    Quote Originally Posted by BLOWHARD View Post
    I HAD to do thins one, I've been dreaming about it!
    it's gorgeous now, Dave.
    The only thing that still bothers me is the kaiser cross... I think I would just curve (just slightly) it's right-upper & lower-right ends (corners) so that they repeat the fuselage shape which is curved in this area... Am I wrong?

    Btw, what's the resolution of the original images?
    Last edited by Mangas; 22nd June 2012 at 14:59.
  5. #25

    Re: Albatros D.III

    Does the "fat" means inaccurate in this case?
    Yes, in this case, yes, fat isn't accurate. What I meant was that these are very sleek trim planes and that earlier drawings showed them as having a really fat fuselage.
    WAY Fat

    Btw, what's the resolution of the original images?
    8200 x 3632 pixels. Pretty big once they're loaded with layers!!!

    I did a little cross bending. It's not quite right yet. It's hardly noticeable in the photos but it's a good suggestion, thanks!

    Here's a new one with a few more refinements-
    Name:  Alb_DIII_Bassenge.jpg
Views: 442
Size:  61.9 KB
    Gerhard Bassenge of Jasta 2. It's got a few features unique to J2 like the louvers punched in around the nose and the funny rear view mirror fairing.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    S.-Petersburg, Russia

    Re: Albatros D.III

    It's perfect, Dave! Looking at your artwork I'm really thinking of getting back to making profiles too...
  7. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: Albatros D.III

    Quote Originally Posted by Mangas View Post
    It's perfect, Dave! Looking at your artwork I'm really thinking of getting back to making profiles too...
    Funny, I'm having the exact opposite reaction, and I'm not talking about the superb art.

    Sing along kids...To dream, the impossible dream...
  8. #28

    Re: Albatros D.III

    Gaglot, I missed your questions, sorry
    what is that Very thin black line on the fuselage
    That's a painted line that's on most Albatosen. It's an aid for squaring the rigging.
    See these-
    are your profiles published somewhere ?
    That's the plan, some sort of book deal. But hopefully on my own terms. But I'm doing these for my own enjoyment right now. I doubt I could ever make this much work pay off

    At GFM
    Funny, I'm having the exact opposite reaction
    OH! OH! OH! Like you don't have the most BEAUTIFUL masterpiece of a P-47 going right now!!!

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: Albatros D.III

    BH, this are amazing profiles and for sure some of the best around the globe!

    There is just one thing that you should vary if you show more profiles: The wood structure! The same as with weathering! Not a single plane looked like the other!

    Cheers, Simon
    Luftwaffe Aviation Art
    made by Simon Schatz
  10. #30

    Re: Albatros D.III

    Yeah, I did that a little with the D.V but I'm getting lazy


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