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Thread: Albatros D.III

  1. #31

    Re: Albatros D.III

    Quote Originally Posted by BLOWHARD View Post
    Gaglot, I missed your questions, sorry

    That's a painted line that's on most Albatosen. It's an aid for squaring the rigging.
    See these-[/url][/url]

    That's the plan, some sort of book deal. But hopefully on my own terms. But I'm doing these for my own enjoyment right now. I doubt I could ever make this much work pay off
    Ah ok thanks Nice pict the first one...

    yeah me too, i've checked some time ago sites like Lulu or Blurb, but never really took the time to start anything…
    Anyway, doing it for your own enjoyment is the best way to do it right.
    Time you enjoy wasting (drawing) is not wasted .
  2. #32

    Re: Albatros D.III

    Doing all these different schemes is helping me find mistakes. I knew the front wing fillet thing was different on some versions but one I had it on there I forgot to look at it any more. It turns out the OAW version is longer and pointy-
    Name:  pointy.jpg
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    Another new one. Most likely it's from Jasta 39 and probably flown by Bruno Loerzer...or August Raben...or both. It's very fuzzy.
    I'm not sure of the color, most people portray it as red and white-
    Name:  Loerzer_Red.jpg
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Size:  62.1 KB
    But it could have been black and white, especially if it was Loerzer's since he and his whole Jasta later had black and white stripes on their Fokker D.VIIs
    Name:  Loerzer_Black.jpg
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    So far all I can find is Dan San Abbott saying the colors were verified but he doesn't say what colors. I think he meant red and white but I'll look into it more.

  3. #33

    Re: Albatros D.III

    The wood structure!
    I'm out of plywood photos I searched at least a dozen times, nothing suitable or hi res for what I need. Plus, a lot of the earlier planes had a lot of knots in them. I got a few pieces with knots but not enough for variation.
    I've tried making my own but nothing comes even close to mother nature and real wood.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Cave Creek, Arizona, USA

    Re: Albatros D.III

    Try these. I use them for training. If necessary, I can email.
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  5. #35
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Albatros D.III

    OMG, I've lost so many things since my last visit!
    I've been having a bad time at work...lately,
    (trying to catch a deadline in unbearable heat conditions!)
    sorry I didn't do any Photo research.
    I have some good D.III pics from Jim (JFM)...
    I'll try to send them to you later this evening.

    About the OAW stencils, you've got them right I think.
    I have a strut photo with stencilled inscription, but it's from a D.Va.

    In general D.III OAW struts had only the L-R and Idflieg number as you've depicted them,
    but in some cases the OAW inscription like in undercarriege was repeated in the V strut as well.

    Your generic OAW D.III is missing the rudder stencilling.

    Find my skins
  6. #36

    Re: Albatros D.III

    Thanks for the wood photos Snofox Most of those is too small to use but the last one, pine I think, can be used as an overlay. I think it will do nicely!

    Heya Elephant, I got you email, GREAT STUFF, thanks!
    I've been having a bad time at work...lately
    I'm sorry to hear that! Not good at all I hope you can get out from under all that soon!
    I have several photos of that strut relic. I hadn't thought of it for the D.III though.
    It's funny you posted that photo since I used a pretty good copy of it for the stenciling seen above.
    And the rudder markings, if you look closely at those versions of the Jasta 39 plane, you'll see that stencil under the white paint
    I probably turned that stencil layer off and forgot about it on the factory OAW, which, if you see the number on the wheel, you'll notice it's the number of plane you posted. All I need are those checkers!
    Name:  Alb_DIII-OAW.jpg
Views: 359
Size:  65.6 KB
    And what about the metal color for the D.III or the D.III OAW? I wonder if they used that pale green-ish tan color like the D.5s made by OAW? I wonder if the "light grey" is correct at all for any D.IIIs? It certainly looks very light in most photos.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Albatros D.III

    I can't say anything about the metal primer...
    I'm using a greenish tan tinted grey for my RoF skins.
    It just feels right...

    A friend of mine from Germany sent me once these potential candidates for the metal primer:

    It seems like you are using some kind of early RLM 02.
    I'm more with the Elfenbein FAS-1...

    If you want to add an extra detail, check the Albatros logo at the rudder I posted above...

    "ges. gesch." is an abbreviation for gesetzlich geschützt

    That means protected by law, registered.
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  8. #38
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Cave Creek, Arizona, USA

    Re: Albatros D.III

    Should have thought about the size. Here are two more larger ones that will give you more variety.
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  9. #39

    Re: Albatros D.III

    Oh my, very nice Snofox! Where do you get these from? They are made up from parts? I see a few repletes but they aren't too noticeable. They both look like pine but I think I can make them more birch like without too much work.

    Nice skins Elephant! I like your "Venetian" red that you're using.

    You doing your wing fillets as metal? Jim told me he was noticing more and more planes that had wooden fillets. After looking at all the photos I have, I see no evidence that they were ever anything but wood. At least the non Austrian planes. What's your take on that? Any photos I've seen where I can see detail I can also see wood grain. All of Koloman Mayrhofer German D.IIIs feature wood fillets. Judging by his builds I think I'd trust him on that. Do you know of any photos of D.I through D.III that you can definitely say are metal?
    I just have this feeling that everyone has gotten that wrong just because they appear light colored in some photos and because the Austrian plane have metal fillets.

    What do you know about thew wheel discs? From what I can tell they were all fabric at least until later D.IIIs if not the entire production up to the OAW planes. I read that they were light blue along with the landing gear struts and spreader. I think that was Greg Van's color notes but I can't remember. I keep wondering if light blue was right or if they weren't left natural fabric like many of the rudders.

    Those are interesting metal colors. I think Elfenbein FAS-1 might be just the ticket to match what is on the D.5 strut relics. Whatever the color it seems to photograph very light in most all cases. I feel it is either a very light gray (or tan) or it must have been a blue-ish green color, enough blue that it appears light. I'm all for pale gray which I'm using, although maybe mine isn't pale enough. Or the tan Elfenbein FAS-1, I might try that. I take it that is some sort of ivory color that was used by the pre war Luftwaffe?
    I'll have to look into all the color notes I have and see if anyone mentions tan or yellow metal cowlings. Perhaps that's just an OAW thing?

    Thanks for the extra text on the logo, I'll put that in!

    Still so many question on this plane. They made so many of them you'd think someone would have more definitive answers.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Cave Creek, Arizona, USA

    Re: Albatros D.III

    The very first one (large) is pine and a solid veneer sheet. The last two are Spruce and white pine. They are "planked" pieces. I have gathered images of wood over the years to use in training classes along with actual wood samples. I have been involved in the sale and manufacture of wood doors for years. If you are looking for Birch plywood with knots, that may be difficult as most Birch is graded withput knots as it is valuable for furniture veneers and know one likes knots.

    Glad to help.I really admire the work you all do and especially enjoy your Zekes and WW I planes.

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