Japanesque camouflage.... (Is that a word?)![]()
Very nice! So nice in fact that I'll use my 1000th post saying it.
Just one question (you know there's always one, no matter how ill informed) but is the three shades of green paint daubs deliberate?
Japanesque camouflage.... (Is that a word?)![]()
I would say it's a "mottling"
Thx, James.
I'm sorry i don't understand the question... This profile represents MiG-3 of 148 IAP where overall medium grey aircraft was additionally painted with green by personnel with hand brushes:
MiG-3 Kharkov Spotted
You can't expect neither quality no one-toning from handbrushing, can you?
P.S.: I should have asked Dave an advice as I remember him doing perfect hand-brushing field repaints effect on one of his Zero's...![]()
Last edited by Mangas; 4th April 2013 at 15:42.
Its just my observations when I mention that I see there are three different shades of green present in the profile from the de-saturated green of the spinner to the dark green of the engine cowls and finally the lighter version on the fuselage.
I would have thought that tone would would be pretty consistent throughout. I'd imagine that the same paintbrush(s) would be dipping in and out of the same tin of paint. If there was an inconsistency in tone it would be evident all over not in clearly defined (to me anyway) areas.
Happy to concede that I know as much about applying paint in the field as I do the VVS in general, as I have proved multiple times in this very thread.![]()
O.K. you got me cornered.The "I don't understand English well" trick didn't work...
This variety in tones comes from the fact that the mottling layer is overlayed over other layers. But if I don't do that -- I loose my 3D shapes & especially highlights... And that sux![]()
Last edited by Mangas; 4th April 2013 at 16:28.
Just change the green in the specific areas to compensate. A little trick I employ is to duplicate the green mottle layer and put it above all of the shading layers. Then reduce the opacity to suit. You can then delete with a soft brush the areas of this duplicated layer where you do not need to double it up for example where the colours below are strong enough...![]()
I really like that last one, Anton!![]()
Very cool profiles! Excellent work!
Slight crit on the last one with the green paint splotches: the splotches seem to lack any sort of perspective, making it look like they're projected, rather than painted on. I would expect the splotches on the top of the cowling and on the spine to look squashed (use vertically scaled, i.e. oval brush) and also some shape changes around details like the exhaust. I hope you understand what I mean.
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Thank you guys. But you're absolutely right. I have to rework the camo spots.Apart from true James' remark about unnatural variety in tone, so far they look like accurately factory made German mottling thru pattern. But actually they were hand made in the fields by harsh thin brush. I have to figure out how to simulate that:
Last edited by Mangas; 8th April 2013 at 09:55.