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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Replacing a color with multiple color on one layer

    Also see this and this tutorial for more information. -adlabs6

    Sometimes the camopattern is completely on one layer. Often it is still possible to change the colors with a good result. It only takes more time.
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    Because we cannot do a replace color on grey colors, we start with giving the grey some real color. No matter what.
    We open the channel mixer to do that.
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    No matter which channel and which slider. We just change one so we get some color in the image.
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    Ouch, does this look ugly. And when one of the colors was good for you, then that one is also messed up. You'll need to correct it again yourself.
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    Now the above steps are ONLY needed when you need to change a grey color into a more colorfull color. If that is not the case you can skip the step above and start from here.

    Create a new layer just on top of the layer you need to change.
    Make a few small selections and full those with the colors you finally want to have. When you are done you will delete this layer again.
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    Select the layer you are going to change. Also zoom in a bit so you can clearly see the difference between your sample color and the color you are changing. Now open the Replace Color function from Image - Adjustments
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    You will see this window. Now click with the eyedropper on the first color you are going to change. In the small preview screen you will see that the selected color becomes white.
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    Now comes the hard part. This will requiere some practice and a sharp eye. We are going to mess with the sliders.
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    I allways start with sliding the Hue so that the color comes close.
    Then I look if the color I have is more or less greyish then the sample. Then I I add or remove some saturation. Then I adjust the brightness.
    Finally I need to tweak all of them a little bit to get it perfect.
    When you get the hang of it this will go faster and faster.
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    When you look close to the image above, you see that the border still is the old color. Add some Fizziness just untill you see the second camocolor also start to change. A little dows not hurt, just make sure it's not much.
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    Now we open the Replace Color tool again, select the second camocolor and start all over again
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    Now you see the border real bad. That is why you better add a bit too much Fuzziness in the first color, then too little. So now we need even more fuzziness. Add as much as needed, but not more then that.
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    Finally we do it all over again for the last color. Now we have to be carefull again with the Fuzziness, so we do not mess up the first two colors. Maybe you even do not need fuzziness. This template does, because of a little sand colot ar the front of the wingroot.
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    And even though all three colors were on the same layer, we were able to get the colors we want.
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    This job took me less then 5 minutes, so really a lot less time then drawing a new camopattern.
    Last edited by Serval; 18th November 2015 at 15:21.

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