Don't mind Supah Cripes, he's a jet jock through and through.
Your opinion of my attitude is irrelevant.
I was somewhat under the impression that my comment regarding the shape of the canopy
was being "Po-Pooed".
I said Quote:
" This looks like a "K" model 51 canopy..was a feature of the later model 51's
Main difference between D & K canopy and new prop..I think.
K's canopy was lower.."
Quote : "I could of sworn I had seen a variation in canopies..that some..maybe not all..K model 51's really had a different shape"
I have seen, wether it be online, in books, and in the flesh.( I have a photo I took at an airshow showing P51's with varying canopies).
That there was and is a difference between some P51 canopies. Some seem to not believe such, or maybe did not know.
I was of the opinion that the canopy in the photo was a genuine design used on the P51, and not an after market addon to accommodate a possible second seat.
retro fitted in modern times. As I thought the comment on the photo suggested.(to me anyway).
I had included a modern shot of the design I was refering to. And to prove it's not just a modern retrofit, here are a couple of WW2 shots of 51 with the same canopy.
Thank you Vacujun for your the faith you showed in my point that what I said maybe true....Nice Picture!..shows the profile shape of the 2 designs very well.
After futher investigation, that the canopy change may be confined to a particular batch of "K" model 51's. Some thing to do with the mold to produce the canopies.
This lends itself to what I said "that some..maybe not all K model 51's really had a different shape". Why I believed the "K" had a differing canopy to the D model.
Not just that the fact it was produced at a different factory, and used a different propeller. ( as a side note...not all "K" models had the Aeroproducts prop)
Quote: " Your books mean shit and your research about this has been futile"
So..I beg to differ...I have been proved right...that some "K" models had different canopies.
"Second To None"
It's not what you've said about canopies and other things, which is correct on several points. It's the sarcasm.
Anyway, I suggest we all let go of the matter, as it's not worth an argument/fight.
Case closed?
Sure.......Don't want to create bad feelings. We learn from each other.
Just felt I need to comfirm what I said with some evidence.
I know I am came across with some sarcasm..for that I'm sorry.
Just that my depression brought on by arthritis has made me a little highly strung.
I have started my own first profile (no doubt I'll get slated for it..).
Not much to show yet...but I hope to show it..once it looks like something.,,an aircraft I hope..![]()
I have been in contact with my friend Sam Sox ( archivist and expert on 352nd aircraft) and he has passed on to me some nice shot of 352nd P51's for my site. Incase I have not told you here ( I visit a few forums). I'm hoping to create a new page for my website with photo of 352nd P51 then and now so to speak. Shots of those P51's that have been recreated on P51's flying today. And try to put togther some info on the said aircraft. Pilots, etc.
By the way, all those photo's are of K model 51's.
Last edited by CRIPES_A_MIGHTY; 10th February 2008 at 15:40.
"Second To None"
Hooray!! Glad that's all over!![]()
CAM, Hasegawa offers a really great 1/48-scale K model featuring the prop and canopy mods.For a nice builder's review of the kit, see:
P-51K Mustang Mk.IV by Bob Aikens (Hasegawa 1/48)
In any event--Great job GM!!
And thanks so much for the education on lack of wire antennae on ETO Mustangs. I'm amazed at how many published ETO P-51 profiles appear with the antennae on them!
That's a nice-looking 'stang on the review, Vacajun! Might make a good profile.
That Aikens guy seems to have come up with the most complicated way to make a profile!![]()
I've been relatively absent recently, because I have exams approaching soon, but I've put in a bit more work on the 51: bomb rack, and the beginning of the landing gear:
After March 11th, I'll have more time and I will start pouring out 51s by the hundreds...![]()
Here is the first of the many
P-51D-20-NA 44-72077 'Annecy', GR II/33 Savoie, Villacoublay, 1952.
Now, back to my studies. You won't be hearing too much of me in the coming days...
Sweet, manGood luck on your exams!!
Very nice work, I like it!![]()