(murmers quietly to himself ... wockawockawockawockawocka ...)
(murmers quietly to himself ... wockawockawockawockawocka ...)
I've done some work on the engine cover now.
I'm just not sure about the body shading. It's all looking a bit grey. I might try redoing the basic shape shading and making it stronger at the edges.
wow keep it up grubs, that mesh looks nice, whats the secret![]()
Wow... great work GrubbyFingers
very nice details![]()
Aha! The Secret of the Mesh! Whenever I am faced with something I haven't done before, or I'm having trouble working out, I go back to reality. (Sometimes that is a long trip.) The mesh is a separate layer that has the appropriate shape filled with a transparent pattern. In fact there are two layers with pattern filled shapes. The upper one has a coloured pattern and the one below has a black pattern, offset slightly, to give it some depth, effectively a drop shadow.
It took a few goes and a fair bit of thought, but I got a result I am happy with.
aah so thats how you do it, many thanks for that!![]()
Thanks, SunDog. I'll try that.
If I use other colours for shading, I could also add an adjustment layer to change their hue on different schemes!
A bit more progress. I've got the tail rotors on and some of the boom detail sorted out.
I haven't tried the hued shading yet, Sundog. Maybe tomorrow!