Thanks, Supah.
Inkworm is right, it's a combination of artistic filters (Plastic Wrap and Chrome in the main) and layers, opacities, blending modes etc.
Don't ask me how much of what, there are so many layers there it takes me half an hour to work out what layer I need to change! It might even have been faster to paint it from scratch.
I do like prodding and poking around in the filter settings and seeing what I can make Photoshop do though.
The longnose Mustang is indeed A68-187. It had a RR Dart from a Viscount grafted on. It also had drop tanks from a Sabre fitted, although they would have fouled the flaps if the flaps had been used. Just a minor inconvenience!
I, too, used to peer at it through the chainlink fence at Canberra airport. Registration VH-UFO was assigned to it but never taken up.
Are you a Canberra boy, MC?