It looks like I'll be doing all kinds, B, C, Ds flown by Australians in Europe, Dallas-built RAAF birds, locally assembled P-51-Ds and locally manufactured P-51Ks. I think. I've only just started researching and I'm still trying to get my head around which ones are which! At least there is bugger-all difference between the Australian and US manufactured airframes. Just a couple of panel lines and the gunsight.
(fingers going tap, tap, tap). dude, promises, promises. Man, we sooo awaiting a glimpse from the master . . . a rivet, an AN-3 bolt, a prop blade. Give us something . . .
Well done, Gaetan. That's it. I'll be doing some port and some starboard views so I am including all details on the port view and only using the appropriate ones on the render.
It's starting to take shape ... (Ignore the shape of the propeller. That's going to be a separate job.)