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Thread: BIG JUGGS!!!

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: BIG JUGGS!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by BLOWHARD View Post
    My Zero's seem remedial in comparison!
    Hey...I know hyperbole when I see it. Thanks anyway.
    Quote Originally Posted by JMSmith View Post
    hi GFR,

    just the one little fault, anti glare on P47's was always OD, i have never found any reference to it being black, sometimes when they polished them!!!!!!! the colour went darker now who in there right mind would polish an anti glare panel. hahahahahahhahahahahahahaha
    Quote Originally Posted by gamary View Post
    Guess nobody is going to give you any slack on this one!
    Good, that why I post so many WIP's. Working one these things on and off and without any real system like I tend to do, its not hard to miss stuff.

    O/D it is then, I was never particularly attached to either version. I must admit that my references were all either modern P-47 restorations, other artists or models.
  2. #82

    Re: BIG JUGGS!!!

    Hey...I know hyperbole when I see it. Thanks anyway.
    Hyper-Bole? Is that like the Super Bowl only BIGGER?
    I assure you, no hyperbole, that is one HOT profile you have there!!!

  3. #83

    Re: BIG JUGGS!!!

    can't wait for the finished product
  4. #84
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    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: BIG JUGGS!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by fritzie101 View Post
    can't wait for the finished product, sorry about the 19 month (ok things come to those that) wait. Hope you didn't hold your breath.

    Zombie threads, I love em!

    Whilst I haven't posted a lot of work of late, doesn't mean I haven't been doing any, Just about finished on my revision of all my work project, I'll be putting a couple of others up for your critical appraisal in the next day or so.

    I have versions of each in both OD and NMF they are easily interchangeable.

    Anyway, check out my Juggs.

    Last edited by GiantFlyingRobots; 15th December 2011 at 13:25. Reason: More incredible inight. :P
  5. #85

    Re: BIG JUGGS!!!

    WOW! I had thought they were as good as they could get but that shows how little I know

  6. #86

    Re: BIG JUGGS!!!

    Very nice Jugs!

    Two small comments:

    If you plan to have these for print, you probably will need to brighten your shadows or the area underneath the wing will print black.

    Small nit-pick, but the vertical stabiliser seems too pointy. Best overlay with a good sideview photo to see where exactly it's off, but I think the rudder trailing edge needs more curvature and it is too narrow now. Possibly the fin cap needs a bit more volume as well.
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  7. #87
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    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: BIG JUGGS!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Skyraider3D View Post

    Small nit-pick, but the vertical stabiliser seems too pointy. Best overlay with a good sideview photo to see where exactly it's off, but I think the rudder trailing edge needs more curvature and it is too narrow now. Possibly the fin cap needs a bit more volume as well.

    Nit-picking is encouraged. About 97% of my posts here are nit-picks.

    You are kinda right on both counts, the vert stabilizer is a fraction tall and a fraction too pointed, and trailing edge is actually a little too curved at the bottom edge leading up to the trim tab,
    if anything its the line above this curve that is throwing the accuracy off, its a little straighter than it should be.

    Ill make the appropriate corrections.

    Thanks for tanking the time to pass a critical eye over my work. I'm a big fan of yours over at MM and elsewhere.

    BTW. These are purely for my own amusement, hence the dark shadows, they're a personal preference.
    Last edited by GiantFlyingRobots; 16th December 2011 at 06:20. Reason: added hilarity.
  8. #88

    Re: BIG JUGGS!!!

    f..k me! AWSOME!
  9. #89

    Re: BIG JUGGS!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by GiantFlyingRobots View Post
    Nit-picking is encouraged.
    Though sometimes a bit tough after many hours of hard work, having your work nitpicked can really help making the final finishing touches and lift it from good to excellent. So indeed for my own stuff I encourage nitpicking as well.
    Yours are excellent already though!

    Wrt. MM: thanks man!

    As for the shadows, I too prefer my images a lot darker on screen. I found duplicating the flattened image and setting the new layer to no less than 50% Multiply blend mode produces a fair estimate of what it'll look like in print. Depending on the printer it could even be a bit darker or a bit less saturated (so I try a desaturated duplicated layer as well).
    Last edited by Skyraider3D; 17th December 2011 at 05:07.
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  10. #90
    Join Date
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    S.-Petersburg, Russia

    Re: BIG JUGGS!!!

    GFR, I really don't know why aren't you satisfied with your bare metal work... Accordin' to the lower guy -- it's really nice!
    P.S.: No matter how long you kept ppl waiting for the finished project -- it's the final result that matters actually! Pls keep it up.

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