It's been a 40 year odyssy Fritzie. A ton of money on books and the help of some great people helped me get this far....including Simon. It's not at 100%, but it's about as close as anyone has ever got. As well too, it's important to remember that I have a significant advantage over those who drew them 20, 15 or even ten years ago. New information is constantly surfacing though it's several years before it trickles down to us mere mortals.
Although it is my intention to do the AS variants at some point, that's a bomb just waiting to explode in my face. I want to finish the drawings I've already started of the E and F series first, though they are well on the way to completion. Also, a certain John Smith who shall remain nameless here has been ragging my butt to do the BCD series, so it'll be I while before I get to the AS's which I haven't even touched yet.