The French AF also charges a whole lot for pics. Basically, you need the right connections to get a decent price for them.
I used OpenOffice, which is way better than MS Office. I could have done it with Scribus but I found that it had some bugs and the final PDF output was VERY heavy. So I went the easy way.
Keep us posted. I'm interested in what will develop. I can't really give you any advice on selling the book. I just created it and made it available. No marketing effort on my part, and as a result I've sold very little.
Whatever you do, please don't use MS Office for this unless you want serious screw ups that are near impossible to fix. Dreamweaver even has a fix button specifically for files created in Office. Even Open Office (which is free to download by the way) is a better choice than Billy Gates's piece of junk. Just looking at the code it creates makes me want to vomit.
Don't worry. I haven't installed MSO in ages and have been running OO for years now. I sometimes have to use MSO at work, when I'm on a station where I haven't yet gone subversive and installed OO...Whatever you do, please don't use MS Office for this unless you want serious screw ups that are near impossible to fix. Dreamweaver even has a fix button specifically for files created in Office. Even Open Office (which is free to download by the way) is a better choice than Billy Gates's piece of junk. Just looking at the code it creates makes me want to vomit.
OO is perfectly fine IMHO and can be used to export in PDF at no cost. The latest version of MSO has that new layout which is designed to make the workflow faster and more intuitive. As a result, the first time I used it, it took me about 30 minutes just to print a darned paper because I couldn't find the menu with "Print".
And, before you ask: no, CTL+P does not work. Most standard keyboard shortcuts do not work in MSO. Probably because the weren't invented by MS so they're pointless...
I don't know, I work with both. Either gets the job done, so far MS Word has a nicer selection of templates though plus it does a nice job of automatic indexes and quote pages. I haven't tried that in OO. First I have to finish mirroring the single seat hunter I did a while back and draw a Focke Wulf![]()
I donīt think i have given my congrats on these beutiful renditions ! Godo job mate !
Are you thinking about doing some Danish F-104s ?
Going down the dtp route you really can't beat Indesign, not the cheapest but if you're using photoshop and illustrator anyway it all comes bundled together.
Plus when working on large books breaking it into chapters makes life so much easier along with 101 other reasons.
Using anything else (apart possibly from quark) is just foolish imho.