F-104 N826NA with its longer appendageNow to find information about the Flight Test Fixture it carried under its belly to, amongst other things, test Shuttle tiles
impressive series ! Well done !!!
One suggestion: You may want to try and break up the reflection abit. Or make it a little more wavey. Try and have a look at this photo: http://www.dfrc.nasa.gov/gallery/pho...3-42325-22.jpg
See how the highlight is stronger some places compaired to other places. I think teh skin was abit stressed due to teh numerous rivets than made the fuselage bend abit inward near the rivets.
Hope this makes sence
This photo is acctually better: http://www.dfrc.nasa.gov/gallery/pho...e/EC90-224.jpg
Last edited by Aircraftprofiles; 4th March 2011 at 21:03.
oh no...my advice would be to go directly to DEFCON 4
glad it ain't just me
the wife goes to work and leaves me a list of things to do, just drying the the washing at the moment, already cleaned the water filter and stripped and cleaned the kettle at the same time as sanding skirting boardsand you want me to start drawing again!!!!! can i have another 10hrs added on to the day please.
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
it don't get in there by itselfnearly sprained my wrist
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Hey, Supah. try this:
My father uses it when he wants the cat out of his office. Why anybody would record 7 hours of vacuum cleaning is beyond me. So is the fact that YouTube allowed the video, when everybody else is limited to 10 minutes...