Obviously.but I can't help myself;But please keep on not helping yourself.
One for Inkworm, I know I am just feeding his addiction but I can't help myself;
When the F-104 was withdrawn from the RNLAF it was replaced by the F-16A Fighting Falcon. The starfighters that were still in good shape and had hours left were sold with the majority going to Turkey and a few going to Greece. Shown here is D-8058 in its delivery scheme, it was one of the first batch to be sold. Later deliveries had their RNLAF serials removed as well except for the small one on the tail.
Obviously.but I can't help myself;But please keep on not helping yourself.
I often wonder what happens if you find a mistake or an important omission on your base art, do you then got to what must be an immense amount of trouble applying it to the 50-60-100's of profiles that proceeded it?
Or do you settle on your final base art and just learn to live with what you have?
Perhaps you just get it right the first time.
Its the thing that drives me nuts with my work, I just don't seem to be able to settle with what I have, its getting to the point where I have a ridiculous number of half finished profiles that will never see the light of day.
If it's only details then you must be doing something right but with so many under your belt I'd be surprised if you got them wrong by now!
Harriers...uppy downy things.
Meh there are so many subtle differences per airframe you can't possibly get them right the first time. That is why I always send a test image to customers for them to check over ;-) For now, more on the noble art of zapping!
Luftwaffe F-104G c/n 7005 s/n 2137 from JBG-32 zapped by RNLAF 306 Recon Squadron. And yes, that is an urinating giraffe.
Got my daily fix of 104, it will be a shame when you run out of them.
But why a urinating giraffe, what is the story behind that?
Harriers...uppy downy things.