more stuff inbound, think you might have to up that figure, maybe 200![]()
Someone is clearly out of their mind. Why would anyone record 7 hours of this crap? Wanna drive both me and the cat out of the house? Just drag out the vacuum cleaner.
more stuff inbound, think you might have to up that figure, maybe 200![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
I know one, the head of our department at uni has a vast collection of vacuum cleaners and an online museum of them, I won't inflict the link on you all.
But then what sort of a person would dedicate a vast percentage of their life to drawing a BF109 (and still seem normal to the rest of us)?
Harriers...uppy downy things.
Inky, I never claimed I was normal. Anyone who thinks so is sadly mistaken. Anyone who doesn't needs to be committed in the padded cell next to mine. Just ask Jester and John. I'm a certifiable head case.
i thought jester and i were in the same cell with you![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Normal is how you compare to those around you...looking at the posters on here draw your own conclusions!
Harriers...uppy downy things.
+1Normal people are boring and I refuse to be one!![]()
Sorry John, but the staff separated us. You kept stealing my meds and Jester kept poking me in the eyes and giggling. I'm normally well behaved but I took a marker and wrote strange glyphs on your straight jackets. While the doctors try to decipher these I've been put in lockdown. Would you mind sending that 104 info my way? Seems Supah wants me to upgrade my drawings and I have nothing else to do in the padded cell.
Last edited by Otterkins2; 12th March 2011 at 03:16.