Hi Galgot
Pictures of Bartels Red 13 in the Prien, Rodieke and Stemmer JG 27 history on page 396 show that his machine lacked both the under-cockpit airscoop and the umbella attachements.
Over 5mn edit:
just found this:
so disregard all i've said
Rare to see a G-6 without that airscoop under the windscreen... maybe the plane is G-5 de-pressurized, with the usual head armour...
Last edited by Galgot; 13th August 2012 at 19:49.
Hi Galgot
Pictures of Bartels Red 13 in the Prien, Rodieke and Stemmer JG 27 history on page 396 show that his machine lacked both the under-cockpit airscoop and the umbella attachements.
Oh, I forgot to mention that perhaps the 'Motorunterseite' the underside of the engine should also have been yellow. Certainly all aircraft of 10./JG 27 sported this tactical marking, I have images of White 8 and Whie 12 so marked. None of the existing profiles of Bartels machine exhibit this fundamental feature although this modeller has (albeit with incorrect inclusion of the umbella holder, airscoop and underwing aerial) but his red kennung is far too orange.
yes, thank you, found that later on FalkeHeins blog photo above.
Btw, W.Nmr 27000 to 27200 where G-5, so this one (27169) is one too. Hence that lack of under windscreen airscoop. But it doesn't have the vertical head armor and silicagel pellets in the canopy glazing, these parts of the pressurization system have been removed. Also it has the trop filter, wich is very rare for a G-5 according to the same Prien and Rodeike in "Bf-109 F,G and K serie" :
"Finally, the G-5 could also receive the standard tropical equipment, although at this time not a single machine is known to have actually been so equiped"
Ok… enough OneONine-ning…
So she was a G-5? So 27169 was most certainly a G-5 that also had much of its specialist equipment removed, as there was no need for it. Thank you Galgot! I think you have found images of a tropicalised G-5 that was not found by the authors of "Bf-109 F,G and K"
P.S. One can never have enough OneONine-ning! :-)
In Messerschmitt Bf-109F, G, & K Series: An illustrated Study
Jochen Prien & Peter Rodeike
Messerschmitt Bf-109F,G & K series
Let me quote to correct what i've written , it COULD be a G-5 . Page 134 :
"The G-5s were not built as a homogenous series, rather they were interspersed among G-6s production line. Individual G-5s are known within Werknummer blocks:
15200 - 16000
26000 - 26400
27000 - 27200
Absence of that airscoop indicates it was probably the case.
Har Har, Chris.
Thanks for the sources Galgot. I was looking at the Messerschmitt Recognition guide, By Marco Fernandez Sommerau and it seems that the G-5 and G-6 WNr production blocks was a pretty mixed up affair. Which kind of agrees with the Prien text. I can't make head or tail of them as they get a bit complicated.![]()
Interesting comments: G-5 or G-6? Galgot's comment made me realize that there is no airscoop but there is a circular "hatch" where it would have been under the windscreen.
Keep in mind that we don't know if the WNr really was 27169. I have found six different pictures of this aircraft. On none of them can the WNr be seen. The best one only shows the W, the "." and part of the N, but the actual number cannot be seen.
I'm not saying the aircraft isn't 27169, just that we don't know where that info comes from so we should be cautious before jumping to conclusions. As for my part, I simply stated it was this WNr because it is widely reported as such. I wouldn' tbet my life on it, though.![]()