must be a Hawker thing, so how long will the Seahawk take me![]()
Frikkin' sweet!
You ever gonna do the early car-door version?
must be a Hawker thing, so how long will the Seahawk take me![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
thatīs great work !
the only thing i see, is the upper propblade that donīt cast a shadow on the spinner...is that on purpose ?
In my oppinion you are right up there with the best of the best![]()
Great work! (as usual) But I have to agree "Aircraftprofiles". The upper propblade should cast a shadow on the spinner and fornt of fuselage. You also missed it at your P-38.
As you show your profiles in flying position I would switch off the prop blades. In parking position it's okay! (my opinion)!
Yep! Real soon.
Dunno, but you seem to finish profiles about as often as I do.
Me... I prefer to finish my profiles with props, regardless of whether they are perceived to be flying or not, neither way to my way of thinking is right or wrong its just a matter of personal taste.
As for the prop shadow its one thing with drawing a profile that has always perplexed me, I know that its technically correct, I just don't really like it so I choose to leave it out.
I'll give one a try and see if I can convince myself.
Thanks for the kind words.![]()
You really should do it as your prop doesn't really look like a prop. It's somthing dark on the spinner! Not a 3D fealing.
Here is a nice pic! Typhoon IB Performance Data
Very nice shot: http://www.flightglobal.com/airspace...18514s-jpg.jpg
A really nice set of photographs!
historical1939-1945 - AirSpace
Superb! Do at least give the prop shadow a try. I think you won't regret. And with such a good drawings, it would be a federal crime not to do it.
To prop shadow, or not to prop shadow: that is the question.
I dunno, I'll throw it over to you guys to decide.
With the shade IMO ! However, i think the shade cast by the prop should fade more that what you have depicted. The prop near the top of the spinner and therefore canīt cast a shadow all teh way to the bottom of the fuselage...But thats a minor detail...The overall imporession is really reall really great !
Good work mate !
Shadow or not, please get it right. I keep seeing this here over and over, laser sharp edge shadows from the source of the shadow to it's termination. Shadows get softer as they get further from the objects that cause them as light defuses them. Also, in all but extreme light, shadows fade. That shadow would look SO much better if it would get softer and fade away to nothing before it curve under the plane.
The wing and tail shadows aren't bad but even they could fade and soften some by the time they curve under.
Try it, if you do it subtly, you'll see what I mean.
Other than that, it's a pretty hot illustration!![]()