hi guys,
stop playing with your nuts, here is the camouflaged version, bloody highlightingit ain't finished so don't give me any greif about struts that are not done
right get back to playing with your children and have a good one![]()
I hear you. That's precisely the reason I usually start working on neutral grey (which I haven't really done with the M2000).a camouflage version of a profile that was done for hi gloss silver
Last edited by gamary; 24th December 2009 at 11:19. Reason: Just woke up.
hi guys,
stop playing with your nuts, here is the camouflaged version, bloody highlightingit ain't finished so don't give me any greif about struts that are not done
right get back to playing with your children and have a good one![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
" It Flys"
first draft of the propsthis one should have light grey props
ok so i tested them on the wrong aircraft.
damn, just realised i put the highlight in the wrong place on the rear bottom blade, should be down the centre![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
propellers anyone!
redid the props and made a batch covering all colours used, except wood, icannot find a image of the singapore with wood coloured props.
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Happy New year John. Problem with props? Spin 'em. Problem goes away!
regards to all
hey rat,
don't laugh i nearly just showed the spinners
anyway, bit more done, have i gone too far with the shadowsi would really likw you guys opinion on this
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
I know this is a bit of a hotly debated matter but I think the shadows would look a lot better if they curved to the contour of the fuselage.But hey just my 2p.
(He scampers off and takes cover from the ensuing barrage of flak!)
First of all: I´m impressed that you have taken on such a demanding preoject ! I´m my eyes you´ll pull this one off very nicely !
However, The shadowns on the fuselage should be tweeked in my eye. It looks like you light source is comming from a 10o´clock high position (since the engine cast a shawdow on the fuselage. However, i think the shade should be more much wider. If the light source comes from a 11 or 10 o´clock high position the nearly vertical side of the fuselage would display longer shadows (like when the sun is near the horizont and shadows on horizontal flats are long).
Also, Try and fade the shade cast by the horizontal stabilizer as it approches the bottom of the fuselage. Also the strut that holds the vertical stabilizer shoudl cast a shadow too.
One last thing: I would tone the highlights/and shades on the vertical stabilizer, in order to make the conturs by the fabric a little less obvious.
Hope you can use my comments !
Looks good. A few suggestions:
Some of the shadows "overlap" (for example, the wing shadow and the engine shadow). That should not be the case as they are created by the same light source. This shouldn't be too much trouble to modify.
I agree with aircraftprofiles about your fuselage shading/lighting. You've done a great job on the wings and engines, so it would be a shame to have the fuselage at a lesser level of quality.
Also the shadow cast by the vertical stabilizer on its supporting struts should be modified a bit IMO.
And get that ugly duckling dirty, will ya? It's not supposed to be clean!![]()
hi guys,
ya gonna love this, here are the profiles for the fuselage shape at front of wing and behind ittry and work that one out
i agree with you on your comments except the curved shadow, i belong to the straight shadow brigade.
also posted a image of the reduce fabric effect on the tail, please also note the shadow is there on the vertical tail on the profile, or do you mean the struts holding the horizontal tail unit
dirty! i don't do dirty ha ha ha, well only in my mind, but keep watching the RNZAF ones will be dirty and have very faded camouflage.
Last edited by JMSmith; 28th December 2009 at 10:30. Reason: i forgot, alright, and i am sober
JMSmith (back by popular demand)