What you guys think of this?
To make it look more glossy, you need to sharpen up the highlights as Ugo suggested. Your highlights now suggest a satin finish at best.
Not the same airplane, but good for explanation:
Note how solid and hard the highlight below the cockpit is.
The highlights as you have them now look more like those on the radar cone of the aircraft in the photo, i.e. satin finish (smooth matt).
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Last edited by Supah; 24th March 2011 at 19:35.
The highlights look about the same to me.
This photo better illustrates what I mean. Was pretty tricky to find a pic of 104838 with some good sunlight on it
Keep in mind that highlights are nothing more than reflections of bright things (sun and bright clouds). So if you have a glossy paint the reflection of the sun will be pretty sharp and small.
O, some more:
http://www.flightglobal.com/airspace...29-01-2010.jpg (not many highlights visible, but a nice pic anyway)
Last edited by Skyraider3D; 24th March 2011 at 23:23.
Please see Facebook for my latest work: www.facebook.com/aviationart.aero
or visit my aviation art gallery and web store: www.aviationart.aero
Some good pictures Ronnie though the airplane painted up like 104756 is a museum exhibit painted using non period paints and offcourse has never been flown since it was painted. In the end it's a trade-off between technique and ambition, how you would like to draw it and how you can draw it. I would like to have nicer highlights but at the moment this is the best I could do without it looking cartoonish. I spent an evening experimenting with other highlights but I can't say the results looked better then what I already had on there. So here is how it went to the printers (more like Ugo but ok)
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or visit my aviation art gallery and web store: www.aviationart.aero
6000 pixels from nose to tail at 300 DPIThat gives you enough room to do the details while still being doable on most computers. BTW Ronnie, would you mind helping me out with a simple modelling request? I a side view of a rocket pod with a bulbous front where holes cut through it but there are no pictures. I was hoping you would be willing to do a rough render so that I atleast have a basis to draw on. Its a cylinder with a half sphere at the front and some holes in it.