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  1. #351
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: F-104G Starfighter

    To each his own!

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  2. #352

    Re: F-104G Starfighter

    At least its not as bad as using a Mac
  3. #353

    Re: F-104G Starfighter

    Quote Originally Posted by Jesters-Ink View Post
    At least its not as bad as using a Mac
    Don't get me started on the soddin macs, why do they have to hid the # key and where is the 'print screen' when you need it, none of this silly alt, cmd, shift, dance, 4 etc.

    Can you have photoshop, illustrator and indesign open at the same you can't if you want open something turn the whole machine off and on again (though this could be a ram/network issue at uni but no one has worked it out)

    And what is with all these silly little extra files that pop up when you save something, just extra stuff to clutter everything up.
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  4. #354

    Re: F-104G Starfighter

    At least its not as bad as using a Mac
    Or worse, using a PC!

    Don't get me started
    TOO LATE! You already did!

    Can you have photoshop, illustrator and indesign open at the same time
    Sure, I do all the time, plus have your web browser and email open and be listening to music on top of that!
    You just must use really low end Macs with no ram!
    Seriously Ink, you must have the SLOWEST OLDEST Macs ever. Are they 10 years old or something? Mine is super fast, even working on these huge layered PS profile files.
    I have a feeling you're using old software written for single core processors, or worse, you're still using single core processors.

    why do they have to hid the # key
    It's where it always has been, since manual typewriters, shift+3. Or are you talking about one of those silly things added to PC keyboards because PC users can't figure things out?

    where is the 'print screen' when you need it
    File > Print, JUST LIKE ON A PC! Or you could use a really silly key command, like hitting the command and P button, that's really hard isn't it?

    none of this silly alt, cmd, shift, dance, 4 etc.
    Key strokes are SO easy. If I can use them, any other moron can too. I use key commands exclusively. It's WAY faster than pointing and clicking. Anyone will tell you that.

    silly little extra files that pop up when you save something
    Most all of those have a box that you can check that says "don't show this again" on them. That's really hard to do

    All I can say is I get headaches whenever I have to use a PC at work. It always takes SO much longer, to print, to access the network, to save a file, to opening anything.
    Plus the whole machine slows down to slow motion if you need an update
    I really don't understand how you PC guys can do anything at all.

  5. #355

    Re: F-104G Starfighter

    the uni ones only have 2 gig of ram so do crunch a bit when trying to cope with CS5 and it is not the hiding those extra files that is the issue, just no need for them, one of the few things that windows got right and I always like to see all hidden files so I know what's on the computer.

    Regarding the shortcuts it's only the print screen, the real issue I have is that the shortcuts are different for the same tool across the adobe range but that applies to both pc and mac.
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  6. #356
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: F-104G Starfighter

    I just came back from the air museum in Le Bourget where there is a weekend-long reunion of historical aircraft owners/associations/museum...

    Right next to where we were was a Luftwaffe 104. I took lots of pictures of the stenciling, thinking it might be useful to you, Lieuwe.

    Drop me an email if you want the stuff.
  7. #357

    Re: F-104G Starfighter

    Light the fire and walk away, thats me.

    I do have a nice i7 quad though.
  8. #358
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: F-104G Starfighter

    Quote Originally Posted by gamary View Post
    I just came back from the air museum in Le Bourget where there is a weekend-long reunion of historical aircraft owners/associations/museum...

    Right next to where we were was a Luftwaffe 104. I took lots of pictures of the stenciling, thinking it might be useful to you, Lieuwe.

    Drop me an email if you want the stuff.
    On it! Thanks Gaetan!

    Click my signature picture to visit my site showing my profiles
  9. #359
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: F-104G Starfighter

    Using a MacBookPro now for most my drawing, it's fast but it would be strange if it wasnt for a i7 with 8gb of fast RAM. Mac OSX is nice but not better then Windows 7. The screen on this thing is totally awesome, but I paid extra to get a upgraded one!

    Click my signature picture to visit my site showing my profiles
  10. #360

    Re: F-104G Starfighter

    I find 6gig of fast ram on my i7 is fine, CS3 and CS5 have not maxed it yet.
    What screen do you have there, does it work on a PC?
    Mine isn't that good when it comes to drawing.

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