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  1. #361
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: F-104G Starfighter

    Well it's the laptops built in screen but the standard screen is lower res and reflective. The one I had put in is 1920 x 1200 and is reflectionless. On my desktop I use a Iiyama 23 (I think it is) inch Thinking about buying a Mac Cinema display in the near future, a friend of mine has one and it does have a much better picture. I am beginning to look like a Mac Fanboi! iPhone, MacBookPro, Mac Mouse, Mac Keyboard perhaps a mac monitor soon .... old age is making me soft or something!

    Click my signature picture to visit my site showing my profiles
  2. #362

    Re: F-104G Starfighter

    Thinking about buying a Mac Cinema display in the near future
    I got one a few years...1 or 2, can't remember, and it's a revelation! For the first week of using it I couldn't get over how good it was. I would just stare at pictures for long periods of time enjoying the quality

    I am beginning to look like a Mac Fanboi!

    Really, aside from operating system, which is more taste than anything else, except maybe Mac runs a tighter ship as far as controlling how things work and how well everything works together, it's more about the way they are built. PCs are fragmented in how they are put together and what components are used by the manifold manufacturers. Most importantly they start out from the very very cheapest price and quality and run up from there. Mac is unified in construction and they start out near the high end of quality and especially price. Comparing specs, if you pay close to Mac prices on a PC, they end up being pretty similar machines. PCs are usually plastic and don't look like retro cool tube amplifiers but they're pretty similar in performance.
    ...but then you need Norton and all sorts of regular performance maintenance and...

  3. #363
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: F-104G Starfighter

    Quote Originally Posted by BLOWHARD View Post
    I got one a few years...1 or 2, can't remember, and it's a revelation! For the first week of using it I couldn't get over how good it was. I would just stare at pictures for long periods of time enjoying the quality


    Really, aside from operating system, which is more taste than anything else, except maybe Mac runs a tighter ship as far as controlling how things work and how well everything works together, it's more about the way they are built. PCs are fragmented in how they are put together and what components are used by the manifold manufacturers. Most importantly they start out from the very very cheapest price and quality and run up from there. Mac is unified in construction and they start out near the high end of quality and especially price. Comparing specs, if you pay close to Mac prices on a PC, they end up being pretty similar machines. PCs are usually plastic and don't look like retro cool tube amplifiers but they're pretty similar in performance.
    ...but then you need Norton and all sorts of regular performance maintenance and...
    I have the staring at pictures thing now with the laptop, for such a small display the resolution is really great. Everything looks much sharper. Mac's are stable because Apple controls what goes into them hardware wise, Windows 7 has to run on infinite hardware combos. I don't agree on the price vs hardware. I could build a faster PC then my dads iMac for half the money, but you'd need that other half to buy as good a screen. Couple that with the case which is milled form a single piece of aluminium and it's a okish deal, but not loads better then a comparable PC. Truth be told PC's are my "first love", I love messing with the components etc. You can't do that with a Mac, for me that takes half the fun away. But as far as laptops go, you can't get a laptop with the same specs and screen as my MacBookPro so there aren't a whole lot of choices.

    Click my signature picture to visit my site showing my profiles
  4. #364

    Re: F-104G Starfighter

    Happy Birthday old man. Bout time you knocked out a little Supah isn't it?
    Better get down to it soon mate or you wont be able to catch him once he/she learns to crawl.
  5. #365
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: F-104G Starfighter

    Pfff only 32 man! Still have a while before things become time-critical

    Click my signature picture to visit my site showing my profiles
  6. #366

    Re: F-104G Starfighter

    Quote Originally Posted by Supah View Post
    Pfff only 32 man! Still have a while before things become time-critical
    You forget how much energy the little blighters have, more than a SR-71 at 5am and will you be able to keep up with a little Supah? No chance.
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  7. #367

    Re: F-104G Starfighter

    Like Inky said, don't bet on it Supah lol.
    I'm going to phone your miss later and let her know you're ready
  8. #368
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: F-104G Starfighter

    If I can keep up with a 9 month old flatcoated retriever I can keep up with a kid If they get on your nerves you just tie them to a tree in the yard for a while

    Click my signature picture to visit my site showing my profiles
  9. #369

    Re: F-104G Starfighter

    Quote Originally Posted by Supah View Post
    If I can keep up with a 9 month old flatcoated retriever I can keep up with a kid
    Best joke I've heard so far this year!

    At least a dog doesn't get milk and cereal all over the floor at 6 in the morning when they wake up and decide they are old enough to get their own breakfast.
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  10. #370
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ellistown UK

    Re: F-104G Starfighter

    just wait till they grow up and leave! home,

    then you will know trouble, and they ask for more
    JMSmith (back by popular demand)

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