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Thread: Pz. MK IV L/70

  1. #81

    Re: Pz. MK IV L/70

    I can't be bothered to go through and sort out the quotes but the plastic look is no different to the airbrushed rubbish in all those lady magazines anyway, if you want it really really real take a photo or spend silly money on some cgi

    As for the mac thing and pre pc Photoshop, I was using acrylics, gouache and stuff then but do see the dyed in the wool traditionalists who still are using quark 4.something and freehand.

    I also remember the colour range of a 48k spectrum, those were the days.
  2. #82
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Pz. MK IV L/70

    Now what do we want to break?
    Dunno. I usually start with some public telephone booth to warm up a little. After that I often go for museums or public buildings... What do you suggest?

    you want it really really real take a photo or spend silly money on some cgi
    Can't believe the second part of that sentence! Worst thing is even photos can be and are taken and manipulated in a way that does not reflect reality. At least not in the way the human eye grasps it.
    Last edited by gamary; 27th October 2010 at 10:18. Reason: Good morning, John. Did ya sleep well?
  3. #83

    Re: Pz. MK IV L/70

    Quote Originally Posted by gamary View Post
    Dunno. I usually start with some public telephone booth to warm up a little. After that I often go for museums or public buildings... What do you suggest?

    Can't believe the second part of that sentence! Worst thing is even photos can be and are taken and manipulated in a way that does not reflect reality. At least not in the way the human eye grasps it.
    Which proves we are all still stuck in the matrix.
  4. #84

    Re: Pz. MK IV L/70

    Quote Originally Posted by Jesters-Ink View Post
    Which proves we are all still stuck in the matrix.
    Which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't still in Beta testing
  5. #85
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    Oct 2006

    Re: Pz. MK IV L/70

    Quote Originally Posted by BLOWHARD View Post
    I do, that's why I have a Mac
    I guess you don't remember when Photoshop was Mac only and when PCs weren't capable of quality color display. How soon they forget

    They are not; try getting a PC with the same specs as a Mac. You can buy a cheap PC but that's what you'll get, cheap
    To me the real difference is the OS and until 7, PCers didn't have anything to talk about. How many years did it take to get all those bugs out? More than I can count.

    The big question, did anyone here start out on a Mac and move to a PC for any reason other than wanting to be cheap? (or is that settle for less?)
    Recently my dad bought a big Imac 27 inch, he paid €2700,- total for it. Now hardware wise it's a € 1200-ish PC with a 1000 euro screen .... That's one expensive aluminium case around that puppy! Also even with a better (core i5 I think vs quad core) processor and as much RAM it's load times were significantly longer on PSD's of my starfighters. In tinkering with it a bit, going to some free seminar's given by the Mac store and doing some photoshoping on my dad's Mac I became more and more disappointed. When my dad first got it I was thinking about getting one too, I have the money so that is not a problem, but now I don't see how the extra cost is justified. For the money I could buy a kick-ass Core i9 system with 16 GB Ram and Crossfire ATI 5870's with a SSD RAID0 array running Win7pro 64bit. That machine would be seriously faster in photoshop then the iMac PLUS it would run things like DCS A-10C Warthog smoothly, a game that will not even work to begin with on a Mac.

    Apple lost it's "but their optimised for creative things" excuse the moment they started using normal PC parts, then all of a sudden people could compare the costs of a Mac vs a Windows PC. You pay a significant MacTax on them, most of the time the hardware is obsolete fairly quick after release too. Want to upgrade? Well you can forget about that completely with a iMac if we are realistic and with a laptop memory or the odd HDD perhaps (though that is something PC laptops suffer from too). What Apples have become now is basically PC's running a FreeBSD distro (OSX) with a good KDE and a exquisite case. The down side is that you are severly restricted in upgrade options (even if you can mechanically upgrade a lot of hardware simply is not compatible with OSX) and choices of software.

    Something fun to do, whenever people come up with the "but its for creative people" remark when regarding to Mac's ask them if they have ever done anything creative on their Mac's so good that people wanted to pay for it. The answer, 99,99999% of the time, is no. Their just updating their facebook on their overpriced device.

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  6. #86
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    Re: Pz. MK IV L/70

    Quote Originally Posted by JMSmith View Post
    Carlos Santana as ALWAYS been better than Hendrix!!!!!!

    plus Hendrixs is dead, Carlos ain't.
    What I dislike most about Hendrix is how all his songs eventually seem to degenerate into a load of static and horseplay. After that it is his numbskulled stoner rants about unicorns and elephants growing out of his behind or something. Santana is perhaps one of the most underestimated musicians of his day, while Jimi got the attention he made better music and was never such a useless asshat as Jimi. Still neither of them can hold a candle to Bob Dylan

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  7. #87

    Re: Pz. MK IV L/70

    1000 euro screen
    I don't know about that, those new cinema displays are pretty much world class. To get as good or better you really need to shell out some big money. Check the reviews.
    load times were significantly longer on PSD's of my starfighters
    Do you have the right version of Photoshop? If it's not v5 (I think) it will actually work slower on the new processor set up. I know my CS1 was pathetically slow but 5 is SUPER fast!.
    a game that will not even work to begin with on a Mac
    You can run windoz on a Mac pretty easy. I've heard a lot of industry experts say "the best PC I ever bought was a Mac"

    I still have to offer the OS is what I really dig. Windoz makes me sick every time I have to use it
    And...I do really like aluminum

    he made better music and was never such a useless asshat as Jimi
    I don't know about that! I have both of their entire catalogs! First off Carlos has made some really good stuff and some GOD AWFUL mindless useless pop crap! Plus, some guitar purists will tell you Carlos got all his material from Peter Green!
    As far as the other comments, pretty thoughtless stuff. I really like both of them but where Jimi was an originator, Carlos wasn't as original. And "stoner rants about unicorns and elephants growing out of his behind" ???
    Where are you getting that? And how is it different than rants about loving God and worshiping the love of Sri Chinmoy????
    Ya know, Carlos did that song where the lyrics were only "Listen to how it goes, my rhythm, good to enjoy" Now that's a lot to think about
    Carlos does have the better tone but both Carlos and Jimi were on LSD at Woodstock. Carlos was relatively unknown while Jimi was already and the down side of his peak at Woodstock. Had they both died at the same time who would be remembered more favorably???
    Have you ever read quotes of what Carlos thought of Jimi?

  8. #88

    Re: Pz. MK IV L/70

    the only difference I've noticed on the mac pc thing is that trying to get a mac apart with a screwdriver only scratches the case and there is no right mouse button, that's it really, though the different hotkeys confuse me when I'm swapping between the two several times a day.

    And who cares about old Jimmy, how about a nice bit of Jethro Tull?
  9. #89
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    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: Pz. MK IV L/70

    More MK IV, much less debate.
  10. #90
    Join Date
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    Ellistown UK

    Re: Pz. MK IV L/70

    now ya talking inky,

    one leg and playing a flute, stand up was their best album
    JMSmith (back by popular demand)

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