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Thread: Pz. MK IV L/70

  1. #71

    Re: Pz. MK IV L/70

    Ooops, sorry, I guess those guys in Perth don't want me reposting....
    Name:  tri35038d08.jpg
Views: 255
Size:  52.5 KB
    And, please do visit their website, GREAT stuff if you dig armor modeling
    Perth Military Modeling Site

    here is a reason why Illustrator is known as the King of Illustration and used by most major studios in the world
    I must disagree. I've worked in many studios and used Illustrator as part of my former job quite a bit. It is hardly ever used for anything other than graphics and when it is, those pieces of art are tight and overly technical. I have yet to see a rendering in Illustrator that looked realistic.
    Want to see what I used to do in Illustrator?

  2. #72
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: Pz. MK IV L/70

    Quote Originally Posted by BLOWHARD View Post
    I've gotten this far and I'm starting to think there's a HUGE difference between doing individual wheels this size and trying to do a whole tank!!!!
    Armour is tougher than it looks, eh?

    You should be able to duplicate and tweak what you have to complete the running gear, then you can move onto what for me is the most tedious part of making tracks.

    Keep at it, it'd be a shame to see it get stuck in the metaphorical mud.
  3. #73
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Pz. MK IV L/70

    Quote Originally Posted by gamary View Post
    Cool. Let's do that. And then we can go break something.
    Mac's are for women,
    All RLM colors contain too little pink,
    Carlos Santana is beter then Jimi Hendrix,
    Bush won fair and square!

    Now what do we want to break?

    Click my signature picture to visit my site showing my profiles
  4. #74

    Re: Pz. MK IV L/70

    Quote Originally Posted by BLOWHARD View Post
    I must disagree. I've worked in many studios and used Illustrator as part of my former job quite a bit. It is hardly ever used for anything other than graphics and when it is, those pieces of art are tight and overly technical. I have yet to see a rendering in Illustrator that looked realistic.

    That is largely due to people not having a clue how to use it properly or the full potential of anything past version 9.

    I know this isn't realistic but I hope it's not too tight but I have done and can do looser stuff in the past, sad thing about Illustrator is that due to being vector, people have it in their heads that any output has to be tight and controlled and a raster package is for loser stuff.

    I know this isn't an aircraft but seeing as this is the vehicle section I can just about get away with posting some pure illustrator work.

    And try this blog for some really good stuff

    There are too many stupid and lazy people who think they can do more than they can, not that this applies to anyone on this board!
  5. #75

    Re: Pz. MK IV L/70

    That is largely due to people not having a clue how to use it properly or the full potential of anything past version 9.
    Again, please show me this realistic stuff. I'm an artist/illustrator from way back and I've been paying attention. Unless this "realistic" stuff isn't posted on the net or in books, I find it hard to believe. Where is it? I want to see realism of the caliber I'm currently producing, or better.
    I still maintain it doesn't exist and is not currently possible, or at least without importing rasterized layers.

    I still say, if Illustrator is better, then show me. If not, there is no basis argument.

    Inkworm, that's nice work but still very stylized and graphic. I'm also not saying it's bad either, just not what I'm asking for.

    Supah, NO COMMENT!!!
    Er...wait, there IS a comment, about Macs at least. It wasn't too long ago that if you were a serious artist, or if you got a job producing art or graphics in any studio, you used a Mac. If you wanted to work on a PC you would have been laughed right out of the business!!!!
    I was there, it's all true.
    Anyone who goes back that far will know it's true, especially if you started using Photoshop prior to PS4

  6. #76

    Re: Pz. MK IV L/70

    You clearly didn't click on that link then, go back and have a look at it.

    However photy and illy are designed to do different things but in my workflow are combined pretty much all the time.

    As for the mac thing, it is still pretty evident, at the local uni, the head of the department is a bit slow and thinks that mac is the only thing to use, as a result most of the staff go along with this thinking, it's therefore passed down to the students, of whom about 90% are mac users.

    I'm the only odd one who prefers a pc but they are cheaper, just as reliable (if you know what you're doing, plus I'll regularly get photoshop, flash, illustrator or dreamweaver crash on a mac when teaching) and are much easier to pop the back off and upgrade. Who actually cares if they are not as aesthetically pleasing, it's a tool.
  7. #77
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ellistown UK

    Re: Pz. MK IV L/70

    Carlos Santana as ALWAYS been better than Hendrix!!!!!!

    plus Hendrixs is dead, Carlos ain't.

    whats a mac! ain't it something similar to a raincoat.


    thanks for the insite into the suspension, i'm a little bit wiser now,

    oh and stop this silly rattle and get on with it
    JMSmith (back by popular demand)
  8. #78

    Re: Pz. MK IV L/70

    You clearly didn't click on that link then, go back and have a look at it.
    I saw that one several days ago believe it or not. Did you look at any of those close up? They look like fake plastic mannequins. If I made people look like that at work I'd get fired

    What is that? wax?
    Sorry, it's plasticy.
    However photy and illy are designed to do different things but in my workflow are combined pretty much all the time.
    Too true, one does some stuff better, as does the other.
    Who actually cares if they are not as aesthetically pleasing, it's a tool.
    I do, that's why I have a Mac
    I guess you don't remember when Photoshop was Mac only and when PCs weren't capable of quality color display. How soon they forget
    they are cheaper
    They are not; try getting a PC with the same specs as a Mac. You can buy a cheap PC but that's what you'll get, cheap
    To me the real difference is the OS and until 7, PCers didn't have anything to talk about. How many years did it take to get all those bugs out? More than I can count.

    The big question, did anyone here start out on a Mac and move to a PC for any reason other than wanting to be cheap? (or is that settle for less?)

  9. #79

    Re: Pz. MK IV L/70

    plus Hendrixs is dead, Carlos ain't.
    PROOVE IT!!!!
    oh and stop this silly rattle and get on with it
    I just did

  10. #80

    Re: Pz. MK IV L/70


    I started the tracks, one track link, yesterday. That stopped me in!


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