GM, Here's a comparison of what I believe to be the most accurate tail drawing of an early P-51D overlaid on your lines. What I'm not doing a very good job at explaining is the more rounded shape of rudder bottom, more rounded vertical tail at the top leading edge, and the degree of slope on the top of the tail. Also, if you look closely you can see differences in the location and incidence of the horizontal tail.
Please forgive my pickiness. Your Mustangs are magnificent!!
For anyone interested, the lines come from Charles Neely, who I think has by far the most accurate Mustang drawings. He sells 3-views and I picked up a 1/16-scale set last fall. Very accurate drawings based on his extensive research into North American drawings, measurements, etc. His P-51D and K drawings even include the canopy ordinates and side views of the FIVEdifferent canopies used for the D/K--three from the California line and two from the Texas line! I've never seen such drawings anywhere before.
Here is Charlie's input to U.S. customers:
I get 35.00 per set for each P-51B/C or D/K set. I will send each set rolled and post paid. Sets available in one of two scales. A full size copy from my original 1/16 scale mylars (four sheets each type, 24"x36") or digital reductions at 1/24 scale. I will gladly grant permision to any artist or draftsman to make further use of my images for free, as long as credit is given. Cash, check or MO is gladly accepted. Please no Bank drafts.
Charles Neely
P.O. Box 6781
Visalia, CA 93291
Unfortunately, I think Charlie has now moved to Oregon,and I don't have an up to date address. His last eMail address was: Charles Neely [] Also, he is a frequent visitor to the Mustang site and other Warbird sites.