Weathering is pretty gorgeous looking in this latest image Gamary.
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Very nice GM![]()
Weathering is pretty gorgeous looking in this latest image Gamary.
Admin note: This thread now has more than 100 replies and nearly 10,000 views.
Thanks adlabs.
That is so cooooool.Admin note: This thread now has more than 100 replies and nearly 10,000 views.And I'm not about to run out of Mustangs to draw and techniques to test. In addition, Joe and John will be here to spot every mistake I make and won't let me get away with it until it's perfect, so I'm sure we can get to at least 100,000 views and 2,000 replies.
Bring 'em on, buddy-bring 'em on.
There's been something bugging me about these profiles, but I never figured it out until just now. The chin scoop seems somewhat flat and could use some shadowing to make it look smaller than the rest of the nose.
Note the small shadow right below the panel:
Otherwise, they are very nice!
Good point there, Jarink. I'll modify accordingly and post later on. Right now the Ar 234 has priority as it's to be published soon.
As part of my attempt to draw all P-51s, I did a few new bubbletops from the 78th FG in Duxford:
Lander's Big Beautiful Doll
Davis' Twilight Tear, probably the P-51 with the most extraordinary story (served three air forces, shot down two Me 262, and is still around today)
Last edited by gamary; 19th January 2010 at 00:27. Reason: Making sure John's awake.
Its tough work getting the Mustang out of your system once you have started, so many interesting liveries. I'm currently finding it really tough just getting mine to look right.
As much as I like what you have done with these shape/shade and livery wise, I think that your rendering of the 'Dallas' canopy's shape just looks a little off, and i'm finding it to be really distracting.
Now...Just between you and I, Gaëtan did you take a short-cut and just mod the original 'Californian' canopy instead of going to all the trouble of re-drawing it as the correct 'Dallas', you naughty boy?
Just can comment the artwork and not if the shape is correct. Artwork is fine as always. Maybe you could rework the metal surfaces a little bit. Now it looks "just" gray!
Nice work, GM!!
How about therse tweaks--
Checkerboard pattern on most forward nose section--see photo
Canopy shape on Doll.