She's an absolute beauty! Since it's so good, I'll be picky too : you should add some highlights to the bubble canopy, which is lacking compared to the rest of the drawing.
Even then, it's still an awesome piece of work! Congratulations!
Here we go. I'm calling this one finished now. I've only got another 60 or so to go. Quite a few of those will be natural metal and quite a few of THOSE will be polished. I can't say I'm looking forward to it, but it will be a challenge. My mind is already ticking over on how I'm going to tackle them. (Can you hear the gears grinding?)
Baron, to answer your question, the files are TOO big. It takes an awful long time to open and save them and I operate pretty much at my computer's capacity. They vary in size from 5,000 - 10,000 pixels wide approx. It's the only way I can get the detail I want. You pay for that detail in time waiting, waiting, waiting...
Here's one of our local Warbirds. I know the owner of this aircraft. It was originally A68-105 and is currently painted as KH677 of 3 Sqdn RAAF serving in Italy in WWII.
I won't bore you all with endless markings variations, I promise! I'll just post one of each type and some of the interesting civil schemes as they are done.
between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony
Re: Aussie Mustangs
Yer, that wing is certainly a thing of great beauty, as is the rest of the profile.
Would you guys (Grubby in particular) think it bad form if I post a similarly marked RAAF Mustang on the forum tonite/today/wherever you are? Grubby and I have contrasting styles so I think it might make for an interesting post.
A68-121, 77 Sqdn RAAF as it flew in Korea. I'll grunge this one up quite a bit and add some rockets. These Aussie made ones (A68-81 ? A68-200) all had silver painted fuselages.