H would be really cool, but there were just a few planes. I will think aout it. Also the G-10. Or how about some Mistels?
I'll do an H then!
Please see Facebook for my latest work: www.facebook.com/aviationart.aero
or visit my aviation art gallery and web store: www.aviationart.aero
H would be really cool, but there were just a few planes. I will think aout it. Also the G-10. Or how about some Mistels?
have you noticed? maybe some small inspiration
FalkeEins - the Luftwaffe blog: KG 1 Junkers Ju 88 Wintertarnung Feldflugplatz Ostfront - Ebay Luftwaffe photo find
Peter Kassak
Thank you Peter! I visit FalkeEins - Blog for sure twice or more times a week. But thank you anyway for the link. These are great photographs, but just Ju88A-5. I think if I would rework my A-4 to a A-5 I would find hundreds of planes as reference.
Hi folks!
First preview of this huge ugly looking Ju88H-1.
There are a lot of things to do, but maybe it will go faster as a thought.
Ha, excellent!
The base camo scheme... is that confirmed or semi-speculative based on what evidence is out there?
Please see Facebook for my latest work: www.facebook.com/aviationart.aero
or visit my aviation art gallery and web store: www.aviationart.aero
The camo is from the other Ju88 profiles I have done and not reworked for the Ju88H-1. This will be the last work. First so many other things, as the nose section, (I have never drawn this because it's covered by the engine in all other versions of the Ju88.) radar equipment, middle fuselage section with panel lines and rivets,....
But maybe I will first do the Ju88A-5 and C-4. We will see.
Please see Facebook for my latest work: www.facebook.com/aviationart.aero
or visit my aviation art gallery and web store: www.aviationart.aero