I am jealousvery nice
Looking at the figure with the aircraft I'd say the shadow on the inner legs is a bit too dark compared to the other lighting and that in the photos. Knock it back a tiny bit please?
Harriers...uppy downy things.
I am jealousvery nice
Thanks guys.
Too short Elephant? I was going more with general sizes of people when standing very near or against the fuselage. I'll have to get some real sizes and try to scalt it out correctly.
I'll look into that InkyI did take out a lot of contrast already. He was really popping out of the picture before. I'm sure I'll be making numerous adjustments to both the figure and the profile. Fist I have to get the lighting on the plane looking right and then I'll need to fix what isn't working on the figure. I REALLY should have planned ahead. Lives and learns
Thanks Phil. Your pilot is looking really good, no reason to be jealous![]()
Still going VERY slow. Here's some tentative shadows. Any thoughts? I'm not 100% sold on this so far, but I don't know what, if anything, should be changed.
I did check the scale, no idea how tall von Schleich was, but this is right for a 5 foot 9 inch man.
I have some nice grass brushes but does anyone know of some good dirt and or terrain type brushes that would do a good section of ground?
Dave, this looks amazing!
Amazing artwork Dave !! So nice !
For grass, you can use brushes and for ground, you can use a simple ground photo used as template in your psp, like I made for my B1bis
Looks great.
I wonder if the pilot was standing such that the shadow of the wing might touch his shoulder, whether it might further merge the two?
Thanks guys!
I've been debating that myself. The shadow does hit his shoulder in one of the photos even though I left it out. I'll give that a try.
I've got to work on the shadows more, and the figure placement but that's the right idea Ad
Nice idea Adlabs.
and execution Dave.
I have to say that It just now hit me that his arm looks too long!
It must be the same perspective issue with the legs,
according to the reference pic's photographic lens slight distortion.
(In the reference pic, the point of view is not the same as in the profile
and due to some lens distortion the upper body looks kind of prolonged comparing to the lower.)
Or I'm![]()
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